Sunday 1 December 2019

Game Review | STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

I really enjoy the Star Wars mythos. The epic of space travel, the empire, Jedi and so much more. While the recent entries for Star Wars have left me feeling a little lackluster this game from Respawn is like a return to form. Similar to that feeling of going back to Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy but without any swoop bike sequences. That said this game overall it something greater than the some of its inspirations.

It takes a number of mechanics found in a lot of other games that have come before. A number of people have liken the exploration and moment to Tomb Raider, Uncharted or a little Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The combat takes a little less from God of War and works more like something From Software might put together, abit with not as much depth or contemplation. Abilities are acquired in a similar fashion to Metroid, with find a path you can't get through and getting an item or ability that will allow you to around the corner. This will also have you backtracking to get to once unexplorable areas. You may also find extra health stims before I did.

Somehow with all these dispret ideas and the lay of STAR WARS this all works really well. What really keeps you hooked is the store beats and characters. All of them are voiced really well and it is nothing short of a seller entry to a currently troubled franchise.

From everything that has been released this year so far Respawn has made something worth being called Game of the Year in my book.

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